Large Munsterlander - Square One Boss


We are an all-volunteer organization and our members are the lifeblood of our Chapter. You may join our Chapter and learn about volunteer opportunities on this page.




Members enjoy free clinics and earlybird access to test registration as well as free use of our Versatile Place training ground in Smithfield. Chapter emails keep everyone abreast of current events.

Please note that members must purchase birds for training clinics. Members are expected to volunteer eight hours each year in order to use the Versatle Place training ground. Find out more below.


Joining the Chapter

To sign up or renew your membership in the Sebasticook Chapter, please fill out this online form: Member Registration Form. You may submit this form even if you pay by check and mail separately. If you are sending a check and prefer a single-page form to print and send with your check, this version of the Membership Registration Form for PRINT will do the trick.

Membership dues are:

  • Individual $60 by check ($62 if paying online)
  • Family two adults at same address $80 by check ($83 if paying online)
  • Junior up to 18 $25 by check ($26 if paying online)
  • Adult Life $1,000 by check ($1,035 if paying online)
  • Junior Life up to 18 $500 by check ($520 if paying online)

You may:

  • Register and pay online via credit card or PayPal (with additional fee)
  • Register online and mail a check to the address below, or
  • Fill out and print the online registration form and mail with a check.

Please note that we are charged a fee for online payments and those fees are included on the online form. If you pay by check, fill out the form but write your check for the lesser payment as listed above.

Mailing Address:

If you are paying by check, fill out the form and submit online or mail with the check to the chapter secretary. Make payment to the Sebasticook Chapter of NAVHDA, mail to:

Anna Lyon, Acting Chapter Secretary
595 State Route 32
Round Pond ME 04564



The Sebasticook Chapter is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization. The Chapter’s officers, training leaders, judges, gunners, testing directors and so on are all volunteers who give their time and energy to help each other become hunting dog trainers themselves. The idea behind NAVHDA is that as members progress through the various levels of training, that they, in turn, are able to help train those who are just beginning. It is a cycle of volunteer efforts. We encourage all Chapter members to volunteer in some capacity, if possible, in order to help our Chapter run successfully. Volunteering is enjoyable. You'll make friends and learn much more than by simply observing or waiting your turn in the field. Members can also support the Chapter by participating in our events or fundraising efforts. If wielding a mixing bowl and spoon are your forté, we most definitely welcome food contributions to test weekend lunches and dinners as well!

Volunteer Hours - As the only NAVHDA chapter that owns its own training field, we have obligations as landowners. We ask our members to pitch in as such. In order to use the Versatile Place training field, members must contribute eight hours of volunteer labor each year. Volunteer hours accrue annually for 12 months beginning on the setup day for the Spring Test until the next Spring Test. To use the property prior to the Fall Test, members must have accrued at least four hours between the Spring and Fall tests. An additional four hours from the setup day of the Fall Test to the next Spring Test will be required to use the property prior to next year's Spring Test. If eight hours have accrued at any time from Spring Test to Fall Test in a 12 month period, the member has satisfied their volunteer requirement until Spring Test the next calendar year. Of course, there is no maximum hours. We hope you continue to volunteer because we like seeing you around.

Members must enter their own volunteer hours through the tracking tool. Please click the link below:

Becoming a Volunteer

Just ask! Grab a club officer or other volunteer and ask how you can help. Don’t know how to plant birds? We’ll show you. Don’t know how to set up a duck drag? No problem, just ask how! 

Volunteer Roles

Field & Water Marshals

The Field/Water Marshals are critical for running a smooth and successful test or clinic.  He or she keeps tabs on the testing/training order and ensures that the next handler and dog are ready to go when it's their time. The Marshall also makes sure all proper safety precautions are taken by all members.  The Marshal directs bird planters and assigns gunners throughout the day. They make sure all necessary equipment, workers and birds/ducks are at each site. On test days, they answer directly to the judges and ensure that the gallery does not interfere with the test. This person will also make sure the sites are picked up and secured at the end of each day.


Only NAVHDA approved gunners are allowed to participate during test days. To become a gunner for the chapter, you must attend a gunner’s clinic and/or have a training session with the Chapter’s Director of Gunning, or another assigned gunning mentor.  You will be accepted on a trial basis, through which you will need to know and abide by all of the Chapter’s rules as well as those indicated in the “Becoming a Gunner” section on pg. 24 of the NAVHDA Aims, Programs and Test Rules book.  You will be expected to gun at training clinics and be evaluated prior to gaining approval as a test gunner.  Gunners will bring their own shotguns to the fields.  All shotguns must have a break-open action. 12ga and 20ga shells will be provided by the chapter. If gunners bring other gauge shotguns, they must supply their own shells unless otherwise advised by the chapter. Gunners will answer directly to the judging teams and the Field Marshal.

Bird Planters

Bird planting is a great way to get involved and also learn how to plant birds successfully for your own individual training sessions.  Some training is required as you will need to know how to plant birds in a manner so that they are alert and ready to fly when a dog approaches; as such, it is preferred that bird planters have experience planting birds during clinics prior to planting birds on a test day.  Experience with all-terrain vehicles vehicular safety and operation is required for those who will be planting birds during a test, but not necessary on clinic days.  Bird planters must ensure that the birds are sheltered from the sun/rain and are well cared for.

Other Roles & Tasks

  • Bird Drags
  • Obedience/Table Help
  • Duck Winger/Handler
  • Distraction Gunners
  • Retrieving Dog Teams
  • Photographer
  • Food Organizer
  • Judge Host
  • General Test Assistants
  • Equipment Set-up & Take-Down
  • Lunch service



Find Us

Directions via Google Maps

Our address is 1014 Village Road, Smithfield, ME 04978 Google Maps

NAVHDA International

We are a Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. You must be a member of NAVHDA to be a member of our Chapter. For more information on NAVHDA, click HERE.

link to NAVHDA International


Our Sponsors

We Encourage You to Support Our Sponsors

link to NAVHDA International

Logo for Brownells.

Logo for Garmin.

Logo for Franklin Savings Bank.

Logo for Pheasants Forever.

Logo for Ruffed Grouse Society.

Logo for Purina.

Logo for Ugly Dog Hunting.